Oxford SU Impact Report

student union impact report graphic design

Oxford SU Impact Report The brief Oxford Students’ Union wanted to communicate the amazing things they have achieved over 2020-21, despite an extremely challenging year.  They approached me to create a 52-page Impact Report, filled with the inspiring achievements from students, sabbatical officers and their staff team.  This needed to be on-brand, accessible and engaging to students, alumni and stakeholders. […]

Your Students’ Union

brand guidelines brochure

Modern brand identity concepts for Coventry Students Union, including a core logo design, and modifications which could work across a wide range of sub-brands, as well as colours, fonts and more

Elections Campaign

Elections campaign posters for Bath Student Union

Elections Campaign The SU Bath The brief I recently had the pleasure of working with Bath Student Union on their Elections campaign branding and promotional graphics.   The brief asked for an Elections brand which was vibrant and modern, and would lead to greater engagement with the student elections process. These designs also needed to […]

BME Powerlist

Bristol BME Powerlist Brochure image

The Bristol BME Powerlist The brief Bristol’s first BME Powerlist showcased the city’s 100 most inspiring, successful and influential black andminority ethnic people.   This collaborative project between University of Bristol, Bristol SU and Bristol 24/7 magazine required a brand identity that was striking and impactful. Client University of Bristol, Bristol SU,and Bristol 247 Services […]

Student Union Branding

Student Union Logo Design

Student Union Brand Concepts The brief I was approached by UCLan Students’ Union to support the development of a brand refresh, as part of a team of creatives. The brief asked for solutions that made the brand more friendly, accessible and cohesive to their student audience, and promoted the organisational brand values. Client UCLan Students’ Union Services Branding and Logo […]