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Our Climate Pledge

The brief

I was commissioned by Chevening to create the visual identity and promotional materials for their #OurClimatePledge campaign.  The campaign goal was to motivate the influential alumni community to pledge to take action against climate change, and to share their pledges online to generate a larger positive impact movement.


Marketing Design,
Editorial Design

Project Link

Find out more here

climate change campaign social graphic


I wanted the campaign’s dramatic statement to be complemented by simple yet effective images. I combined the startling message of time running out, with serene photography of the natural world. This was applied across a wide range of media, as well as campaign templates (such as powerpoint presentations), to allow the clients to create their own on-brand collateral in-house.

climate change campaign bilboard


The campaign has received over 2,000 pledges from Chevening scholars around the world. These include personal changes, such as reducing meat consumption, to pledges from larger organizations that will have a massive impact. The campaign hashtag has been seen almost 4million times by over 8 million people on social media.

“I pledge to reforest the region of Tabou with 10,000 trees with my organization”

Environmental Pledge Campaign Business Card Chevening
our cliamte pledge campaign graphics phones

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