Study in the UK Campaign

Study in the UK campaign The brief This campaign aimed to encourage a more diverse range of applicants to the prestigious Cheveningprogramme, from around the world.  The client asked for visual branding which could promote the messages around creating positive change, joining a diverse family, and the benefits of studying in the UK. This needed to feel cohesive across […]

BME Powerlist

Bristol BME Powerlist Brochure image

The Bristol BME Powerlist The brief Bristol’s first BME Powerlist showcased the city’s 100 most inspiring, successful and influential black andminority ethnic people.   This collaborative project between University of Bristol, Bristol SU and Bristol 24/7 magazine required a brand identity that was striking and impactful. Client University of Bristol, Bristol SU,and Bristol 247 Services […]

Our Climate Pledge

chevening climate pledge campaign graphic on mobile phone

Our Climate Pledge The brief I was commissioned by Chevening to create the visual identity and promotional materials for their #OurClimatePledge campaign.  The campaign goal was to motivate the influential alumni community to pledge to take action against climate change, and to share their pledges online to generate a larger positive impact movement. Client Chevening Services Marketing Design,Editorial Design Project Link Find […]